A lawyer is a person who practices or studies law, such as an attorney or a counselor.
Although the focus of LKDLAW is on Constitutional Law, Debt Law, and Pawn Broker Rights, LDKLAW also accepts other types of cases including criminal, civil, divorce, among others.
LKDLAW has policies in place that just about any type of case you might have and need assistance, if it is not something we normally handle we have the contacts to get you in touch with a trusted professional that would be able to handle your case. About the only type of case that we do not have means to properly handle or refer would be cases involving Worker's Compensation.
Case loads vary throughout the year, but on average, the turn around time from the time that you deposit the funds into our Trust Account to the time we start your case is usually within approximately two to three hours, and often times can start almost immediately. Now, as far as results on your case, that is dependent on the type of case you have and the dynamics involved with it. Some cases require a document to be drafted, and then sent out to multiple parties, and after that stage is complete, there is often a waiting period for the parties to respond. But collectively on our end, we are very quick with getting our end of your case done as promptly as possible.
Our law office hours follow traditional normal business office hours, where we start the day at 9AM and our doors are open until 6PM, Monday through Friday. Although, if you would like to come and meet with us in person, please call ahead to inform us about your visit. In some cases, special times might be required to meet with a client, and we will work with you to meet any of your needs there. If you would like to know more about our office and how to get here, see the office location page found here Law Office of LKDLAW
Being that each case will entail different elements and perhaps hired experts, cases can range quite a bit due to the dynamics involved. If you would like to know for sure, we ask that you Call Us to schedule and appointment so we can review your case. We will go over the approximate hours to handle the case, along with any additional costs that might be required such as court filling fees, expert witness fees, or other various costs associated with your case.
As soon as you believe that you are in legal trouble or require law services, you should give our offices a call for a free consultation.
The quicker we can review your case, the quicker we can get started. Some cases involve statute of limitations, wherein the case
must be filled within a certain time frame or not at all. But ultimately, as soon as you think you need help, often you do.
So Give us a Call Today!